Monday, April 30, 2012

Art at Kleis Park

Besides having art in Downtown, at the Toledo Zoo and at the University of Toledo campus, there is also art scattered around town. The area of town I live in is known as Shoreland, which is near Point Place. Most people even from Toledo don't know where Shoreland is, but if I say Point Place they know where that is. Near the Point Place Branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library is a park called Kleis Park. This is where some of the closest public art to me is.
This piece is called Mud Life and is made of brass and concrete. It is the work of Mags Harries and Lajos Heder and depicts creatures of the water. There are five life forms in the sidewalks - the Mayfly, Polychaete, Sludge Worm, Larva and Clams.

Also, along the Summit Street side of the park is one of the frogs that was part of a 2001 public art project in Toledo. This frog is called Handsome Prints. (or Hansom Prints according to the current sign) I photographed all of the frogs on display that year and put them on a website, where they have been ever since. To see all of the frogs go to my Toledo's Frogs page. The pictures there seem small now because screen resolutions have changed from what they were in 2001.
If you live in Toledo, look at the Arts Commision of Greater Toledo website to find the closest public art to you.

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